Teaching Publications
principle investigators
Sandra B. Wilson, University of Florida/IFAS/IRREC
- Wilson, S.B., R. Mallinger, H. Kalaman*, and E. Momol. 2024. Development and evaluation of a web application for attracting bees to your garden. Horticulturae. 10(1),77. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10010077.
- Wilson, S.B., R. Geneve, F.T. Davies, and A. Sotala. 2022. A PropG-An online application for learning plant propagation glossary terms. HortTechnology. 33:181-185.
- Wilson, S.B., R.L. Geneve and F.T. Davies. 2018. An online study tool for reviewing plant propagation terms and concepts. HortTechnology. 28(6):851-854.
- Irani, T., S.B. Wilson, D. Slough, and M. Rieger. 2014. Graduate student experiences on and off Campus: Social connectedness and perceived isolation. J. Distance Education. 27(2), online.
- Wilson, S.B. and A.L. Flory. 2012. FloraGator: A novel, interactive and online multiple entry key for identifying plant families. HortTechnology. 22:410-412.
- Campbell, K.R., S.B. Wilson, P.C. Wilson, Z. He. 2011 Interactive Online Tools for Teaching Plant Identification. HortTechnology 21(4): 504-508.
- Fitz-Rodriguez, E., C. Kubota, G. Giacomelli, M. Tignor, S. Wilson, and M. McMahon. 2010. Dynamic modeling and simulation of greenhouse environments under several scenarios: A web-based application. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier. 70: 105-116.
- Rhoades, E.B., T. Irani, M. Tignor, S. Wilson, C. Kubota, and G. Giacomelli, and M. McMahon. 2009. A case study of agriscience education in a virtual world: A web-based multimedia approach. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Journal.
- Irani, T., G. Roberts, S.B. Wilson, and E.B. Rhoades. 2008. Evaluation of the effect of multi-site distance education on knowledge gained in a plant propagation course. Quarterly Review of Distance Education. 10(1):27-36.
- Wilson, S.B., K.L. Muller, J.A. Gersony, and B.T. Scully. (2008). "The Linear Garden: A Unique, Inexpensive, and Effective Way to Facilitate Plant Identification and Roadside Beautification." HortTechnolgy 18(2): 318-319.
- Tignor, M.E., S.B. Wilson, et al. (2007). "Multi-institutional Cooperation to Develop Digital Media for Interactive Greenhouse Education." HortTechnology 17(3): 397-399.
- Wilson, S. B. and H. E. Danielson. (2005). "A New Instrument for Interactive Virtual Plant Identification and Use." HortTechnology 15(3): 729-730.
- Wilson, S. B., L. K. Mecca, and J. Gersony. (2004). "Design, Development and Use of an Ornamental Teaching Garden at the Indian River Research and Education Center, University of Florida." Acta Horticulturae 641: 137-143.
- Wilson, S. B., T. M. Minton, L. K. Mecca, and J. Gersony. (2004). "Ornamental Teaching Gardens: Design, Development, and Use." EDIS - FE469, Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FE469.
- Wilson, S. B., M. Thetford, and W. Vendrame. (2004). "Restructuring a Plant Propagation Course for Distance Education." Acta Horticulutrae 641: 111-116.
- Wilson, S.B. and M. Thetford. (2003). "A New Strategy for Teaching Plant Propagation by Distance Education." HortTechnology 13(3): 577-578.
- M. Thetford and S. B. Wilson. (2002). "Integrating Web Technology with Traditional Teaching of Plant Propagation." Proc. Int. Plant Prop. Soc. 52: 465-472
- Wilson, S. B. and S. D. Thornsbury. (2000). "Incorporation of Peer Learning in an Agricultural Curriculum." Teaching and Learning Paper Series 00-13 (TLP 00-13), University of Florida IFAS, Gainesville, FL. December 2000: 1-19.
- M. E. Tignor and S. B. Wilson. (1999). "Sowing the Seeds of a New Horticulture Sciences Teaching Program." Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 112: 255-260.
- Keona Muller
- Judy Gersony
- Laurie Krumfolz Mecca
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