Invasive Plants
Screening Ornamentals for Potential Invasiveness
principle investigators
- Sandra B. Wilson, University of Florida/IFAS/GNV
- Gary W. Knox, University of Florida/IFAS/NFREC
- Zhanao Deng, University of Florida/IFAS/GREC
refereed publications
- Rycyna*, J., S.B. Wilson, Z. Deng, B. Iannone, and G. Knox. 2024. Landscape and fruit evaluation of three privet (Ligustrum sp.) cultivars in Florida. Horticulturae. 10(1), 90.
- Rycyna*, J., S.B. Wilson, Z. Deng, B. Iannone, and G. Knox. 2023. Landscape and fertility evaluation of seven heavenly bamboo cultivars as potential non-invasive alternatives to the resident taxon. PLOS One. 19(9)1-12.
- Parrish SB, McIntyre T, Pinkerton MG, Wilson SB. 2023. Plant this not that: A tool for improving invasive species identification and expanding the use of sustainable alternatives in Florida landscaping. HortTechnology. 33:452-454.
- Wilson, S.B. and Z. Deng. 2023. Ornamental invasive plants in Florida with research-founded alternatives. HortTechnology. 33:349-356.
- Parrish, S.B., R. Qian, S.B. Wilson, and Z. Deng. 2020. Morphological and cytological characterization of six porterweed (Stachytarpheta spp.) selections. Comb. Proc. Inter. Plant Prop. Society. 70:22-28.
- Wilson, S.B., J. Rycnya*, Z. Deng, and G. Knox. 2021. Summary of 26 heavenly bamboo) selections evaluated for invasive potential in Florida. HortTechnology. 31:367-381.
- Wilson, S.B., C. Steppe, Z. Deng, K. Druffel, G. Knox and E. van Santen. 2020. Landscape performance, flowering, and female fertility of eight trailing lantana varieties grown in central and northern Florida.
Steppe, C., S.B. Wilson, Z. Deng, K. Druffel, and G.W. Knox. 2019. Morphological and cytological comparisons of eight varieties of trailing lantana (Lantana montevidensis) grown in Florida. HortScience. 54:2134-2138. - Bechtloff, A., C. R. Adams, S. Wilson, Z. Deng, and C. Wiese. 2019. Insights from southeastern US nursery growers guide research for steril ornamental cultivars. J. Environ. Hort. 37(1):9-18.
- Deng, Z., S.B. Wilson, X. Ying and D.M. Czarnecki II. 2017. Infertile Lantana camara cultivars 'UF-1011-2' and 'UF-1013A-2A. HortScience 52:652-657.
- Fetouh, M.I., A. Kareem, G.W. Knox, S.B. Wilson and Z. Deng. 2016. Induction, identification, and characterization of tetraploids in Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum). HortScience. 51:1371-1377.
- Smith, A.M., C. Reinhardt Adams, C. Wiese, and S.B. Wilson. 2016. Re-vegetation with native species does not control the invasive Ruellia simplex in a floodplain forest in Florida, USA. Applied Vegetation Science. 19:20-30.
- Smith, A.M., S.B. Wilson, C. Reinhardt Adams, and C. Wiese. 2015. Germination of native species: Efforts to guide revegetation in a Mexican petunia-invaded floodplain in Florida, USA. Ecological Restoration. 33:237-241.
- Smith, A.M., C. Reinhardt Adams, C. Wiese, and S.B. Wilson. 2015. Suppression of the ornamental invasive Mexican petunia (Ruellia simplex) by native species in a greenhouse study. Ecological Restoration. 33(2) 207-214.
- Wilson, S.B., G.W. Knox, K.L. Nolan, and J. Aldrich. 2014. Landscape Performance and Fruiting of 12 Privet Selections Grown in Northern and Southern Florida. HortScience. 49:148-155.
- Wilson, S.B., G.W. Knox, Z. Deng, K.L. Nolan, and J. Aldrich. 2014. Landscape Performance and Fruiting of Nine Heavenly Bamboo Selections Grown in Northern and Southern Florida. HortScience. 49:706-713.
- Freyre, R., S.B. Wilson. 2014. Ruellia simplex R10-105-Q54 ('Mayan Pink'). HortScience. 49:499-502.
- Freyre, R., A. Moseley, S.B. Wilson, and G.W. Knox. 2012. Fruitless Ruellia simplex R10-102 (‘Mayan Purple’) and R10-108 (‘Mayan White’). HortScience. 47:1808-1814.
- Freyre, R., A. Moseley, S.B. Wilson, and G.W. Knox. 2012. Breeding and evaluating for landscape performance and fruitlessness in Mexican Petunia (Ruellia, Acanthaceae). HortScience. 47:1245-1251.
- Czarnecki,D.M., S.B. Wilson, G.W. Knox, R. Freyre, and Z. Deng. 2012. UF-T3 and UF-T4: Two sterile Lantana camara cultivars. HortScience. 47:132-137.
- Wilson, S.B., G.W. Knox, K.L. Muller, R. Freyre, and Z. Deng. 2009. Seed production and viability of eight porterweed selections grown in northern and southern Florida. HortScience. 44:1842-1849.
- Wilson, S.B. and G.W. Knox. 2008. Landscape performance of green fountain grass alternatives grown in northern and southern Florida. HortTechnology 19:471-476.
- Wilson, S.B. and G.W. Knox. 2006. Landscape Performance, Flowering, and Seed Viability of 15 Japanese Silver Grass Cultivars Grown in Northern and Southern Florida. HortTechnology 16(4):1-8.
- Knox, G.W. and S.B. Wilson. 2006. Evaluating North and South Florida Landscape Performance and Fruiting of Ten Cultivars and a Wild-type Selection of Nandina domestica, a Potentially Invasive Shrub. J. Environ. Hort. 24(3):137-142
- Wilson, S.B., Thetford, M., Mecca, L.K., and J.S. Raymer. 2004. Evaluation of 14 Butterfly Bush Taxa Grown in Western and Southern Florida: I. Visual Quality, Growth, and Development. HortTechnology 14(4):605-612.
- Wilson, S.B., Thetford, M., Mecca, L.K., Raymer, J.S. and J.A. Gersony. 2004. Evaluation of 14 Butterfly Bush Taxa Grown in Western and Southern Florida: II. Seed Production and Germination. Hort Technology 14(4):612-618.
- Wilson, S. B., P. C. Wilson, and J. A. Albano. 2004. Growth and Development of the Native Ruellia caroliniensis and Invasive Ruellia tweediana. HortScience 39(5):1015-1019.
- Wilson, S. B. and L. K. Mecca. 2003. Seed Production and Germination of Eight Cultivars and the Wild Type of Ruellia tweediana: A Potentially Invasive Ornamental. J. Environ. Hort. 21(3):137-143.
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