Tradescantia ohiensis
- Family: Commelinaceae
- Form: Herbaceous, erect and clumping perennial reaching approximately 2 feet in height and width. Nice massing effect due to seed and rhizome spread.
- Leaves: Simple, smooth and linear/lanceolate with acute apices, leaves are grass-like with pubescence on the underside. Reaching up to 15 inches long, they have a deep crease down the middle giving them a distinctive "V" shape and they wrap around the main stem. Linear venation (monocot)
- Stem/Bark: Smooth, round, almost succulent stems reach above the foliage and bear inflorescences.
- Flower: 1 inch, 3-petaled blue flowers are born on terminal cymes. Six stamens are composed of filaments with attractive, blue fibers and bright yellow anthers. The tip of the stigma is also bright yellow in color and contrasts nicely with the blue petals. Blooms almost year round with a peak bloom in the spring.
- Fruit: Capsules become brown and papery when mature and contain many oddly patterned, dark gray to brown, oval seeds that require 90-120 days stratification to germinate.
- Comments: Though each flower only lasts a few hours in the morning, it produces numerous flowers over a relatively long period of time making it rather desirable. Two non-native related Tradescantia are listed on the FLEPPC list of invasive plants in Florida; T. fluminensis, Small-leaf Spiderwort (Category I) and T. spathacea, Oyster Plant (Category II).
- Additional Resources:
Wikipedia Link
Florida Native Plant Society