Silphium asteriscus
Starry Rosinweed
- Family: Asteraceae
- Form: Herbaceous, clumping perennial reaching 3-4 feet in height while flowering. Occurs naturally in full sun to part shade in pine flatwoods across the state. This attractive plant lends itself well to wildflower gardens and spreads by seed or division.
- Leaves: Simple leaves exhibit heteromorphism: 7-11 inch petiolate basal leaves can have either entire or serrate margins and are more spatulate in shape, while leaves found on the flowering stalks are 2-3 ½ inches, sessile, elliptic with serrate margins and are arranged either alternate, opposite or sub-opposite. All leaves have short, stiff hairs (hirsute) and pronounced midveins on the underside. Teeth of margins have a tiny white apex.
- Stem/Bark: Rhizomatous; Round green stems that bear flowers have short, stiff hairs and branch near the apex. Flowering stems need to be removed each year once the blooming season ends.
- Flower: 1.5 - 2 inch yellow daisy-like flowers with yellow disk and slightly toothed ray florets are borne on long peduncles.
- Fruit: Light brown, winged achenes each contain a single flattened seed.
- Comments: This species is also sometimes referred to as S. angustum and several forms of Silphium are cultivated in Florida including S. compositum, or Barestem Rosinweed, which has greatly reduced leaves on the stems.
- Additional Resources:
Wikipedia Link
Florida Native Plant Society