Coccoloba uvifera
Sea Grape
- Family: Polygonaceae
- Form: Evergreen, shrub or medium tree, rounded or vase-like canopy, reaching 3-35 ft. with 10-50 ft. spread
- Leaves: Alternate, simple, reniform, attached to branch by prominent red ocrea, distinct red midribs and veins, to 10 in. wide
- Stem/Bark: Various shades of brown, peel in thin plates as matures
- Flower: Raceme, white, to 10 in. long, inconspicuous
- Fruit: Berry, green ripening dark purple, ½-1 in. wide, contain 1 seed, clusters of 40 or more
- Comments: Closely related to another Florida native C. diversifolia, but distinguished by having leaf blades that are broader than long and with a cordate base, rather than a cuneate base
- Additional Resources:
UF IFAS Extension Native Plant Fact Sheet Listings
The Institute for Regional Conservation Link
Wikipedia Link