Family: Asteraceae
Form: Upright to spreading herbaceous perennial usually 2 feet tall, possibly to 4 feet, and equally as wide
Leaves: Simple, opposite, entire to serrulate, linear with acute apices and cuneate bases, glabrous. Leaves variable in size, 3 to 7 cm long and 1/8 to 2 cm wide
Stem/Bark: Smooth, orange-red
Flower: Clusters of small (1/2 cm long) yellow campanulate, ray and disk flowers occur in corymbs at the tops of the plant and are produced in autumn and occasionally in spring
Fruit: Inconspicuous, a cone-shaped, ribbed achene
Comments: This Florida native attracts birds and butterflies, and is pest and drought resistant. Different forms may be found (short, narrow leaved or tall, bushy with wider leaves). There are only three native Flaveria species in Florida