Family: Arecaceae
Form: Recumbent, branched, clumping palm, rarely erect to eight feet tall
Leaves: Palmate, induplicate, up to 3 feet wide, deeply divided into 25 to 35 stiff leaflets, 1 to 1.5 inches wide, tapering segments with cleft tips; color green to bluish silver; long petioles armed with small saw teeth!
Stem/Bark: Trunks creeping horizontally to erect, branching, covered with old bases and brown fiber
Flower: Whitish, small, born on 2 to 3 foot long branched pedicels
Fruit: Drupe, elliptical, yellow turning blue black at maturity, one inch long
Comments: One of eleven native palms in Florida, Serenoa repens is easily distinguished from others by its recumbant trunk and branching habit of growth. Various selections are available from green to silver-blue appearance