Fertilizer Company Spokesperson:

"This fertilizer company uses only the most "earth friendly" chemicals.  Our company has a reputation for it's strict compliance with existing laws and regulations.  Our company is staffed with highly trained">

Fertilizer Company Spokesperson:

"This fertilizer company uses only the most "earth friendly" chemicals.  Our company has a reputation for it's strict compliance with existing laws and regulations.  Our company is staffed with highly trained, professional personnel and utilizes the most advanced technology available. We make it a priority to educate our consumers on best-management practices.  Our fertilizers and techniques have been field tested by our staff and determined to be the most effective and practical methods of fertilization designed to meet nitrate groundwater quality standards, including economic and technological considerations.  For every dollar we earn, a percentage is spent on ecological research projects to create new and better fertilizers.   Our goals include reducing nutrient loads from agricultural areas to downstream receiving waters and marshes, creating superior controlled release fertilizers, and micronutrient soluble fertilizers.  Over the last decade, our fertilizer company has become more conscientious and environmentally sensitive.  Our products have evolved to become less environmentally harmful.

People generally underestimate the values of agriculture, especially from the citrus industry.  A citrus tree, as any tree, is central to the carbon cycle and necessary for the thermal equilibrium of the earth.  They take in carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas, and convert carbon into leaves and roots and store it in wood for decades."