Chemical Company Spokesperson:

"We at Wonders Of the World Chemicals">

Chemical Company Spokesperson:

"We at Wonders Of the World Chemicals, WOW, are researching the changes to the ecosystem known as "The Ridge" located in Central and South Florida. In reaction to the paragraph.......we at WOW would like to offer the following considerations.  Historically, dramatic ecological change results from human intervention.  According to Leslie Hay-Smith in her article discussing the use of herbicides to restore the longleaf pine community, "The longleaf pine ecosystem once occupied a major part of the southeastern United States, including pennisular Florida.  It has now been reduced to about 10 percent of its original coverage."   Although the citrus grower has had a role many other factors implemented prior to modern day knowledge of ecological balance have impacted this change.  Today's citrus grower uses resources, chemical and natural, with increasingly more conservation and precision than growers of previous generations.  Much of this improved technology is the result of research and education sponsored by WOW and companies like ours.  WOW also supports legislation currently in place to preserve and regenerate the longleaf pine and related plant communities.  The future is here regarding common goales in agricultural chemical research and environmental concerns."